Tuesday, 20 September 2016

WordPress Content Management System Admin/Console Overview

Hello friends! The last time I talked on why WordPress is the best free platform for blogging and enlisted the support of the comments. I decided to develop this topic and write about it a bit more, consider it, this a continuation of the post.

WordPress is a popular free content management system (CMS) with open source.

The Open Source - software with open source. Any user has the discretion to modify, supplement and use the source code for free.

Basically WordPress is used to design and developed web pages and blogs, websites, business cards and online shopping/stores or eCommerce sites, major information resources and corporate portals.  These types of website can easily designed and developed with the help of tutorials on Work Sole just like 403 Error on wordpress login. If you don't want to do this on your own, you can contact wordpress site developers.

WordPress  takes on the role that the most "golden mean", which combines both comfort and ease of use, user-friendly and intuitive interface. And without a good set of built-in features expanding variety of plug-ins, the appearance of the blog is updated numerous templates and site building wizard often use all kinds of hacks and hooks.

WordPress Admin/Console

Why do people around the world choose WordPress, what are the most powerful engine this side? The first thing to note the easy installation or upgrade - it takes a user less than five minutes.

Download free WordPress templates, install the necessary plugins and set before you the ideal system for creative, customized it "for themselves." And that's all you can safely start the publication of materials - the loader file and WYSIWYG-editor provided to users by default.

WordPress Admin Sections

Dashboard. Dashboard Window is adjusted, it displays a summary, the latest comments , drafts and more. All of these items, call them widgets, drag, adjusted their position. In addition, this list can be updated with new widgets to be installed together with some plugins. 
Posts : In this section you can publish new posts easily. Posts are sorted by different types published, draft, and deleted in the trash.
Media : Media section stores library files like Images, audio, video etc. Available standard tools for editing images , such as rotation, scaling, cropping, mirroring. In addition, you can create a description, add a Caption and attribute Alt Tag to each file.
Pages :  They are permanent, they are not assigned headings and labels, but can be nested - parent and child hierarchy.
Comments: None WordPress blog can do without comments. They can approve, edit, mark as spam and just delete and of course to answer them.
Appearance:  This includes the installation and management of themes, widgets, and setting of menus as well as a built-in template file editor.
Plugins: They greatly simplify the life of webmasters perform a huge range of tasks. In this section, you can install, enable and disable plugins for WordPress, and even edit the source code if necessary.
Users:  This users section includes deleting and adding new, changing roles (administrator, editor, author, party, the subscriber) and manage your personal settings (color scheme, enable / disable the top toolbar, personal information, etc.).
Tools:  In this section as standard tools, such as import and export content of the blog/website, and more.
Settings:  Here are concentrated all the basic settings of WordPress CMS and used plugins, if they are assumed.
It turns out that the controls can be accessed with just two or three mouse clicks. More user-friendly interface it is difficult to imagine.

WordPress is a free platform and distributed under the GNU license, so be careful.
Most WordPress functions are well documented, they have a clear description of the examples, see them offered in a special section of the Code (Codex) on the official website of the project.

Monday, 29 August 2016

How to Display a list of the Authors in WordPress

In the last article, I described how to conclude the recording of the author, in this I want to make a similar conclusion, but not quite. Sometimes you have to bring all the authors of the site, not just the users, namely those who have published their articles on your site. If you want to develop a website on wordpress read it.

In this article I'll show you how to get a block with information about the authors. You will be able to see which features are used and need to turn off unnecessary.

Blog Authors


I recently made ​​a website where the customer requested on the main page to list the site authors. His plan was to make an informative site for the company, where the staff could publish their articles. To carry out such a conclusion, it was used by the function, which brings together a number of WordPress functions. Below is ready to function code that you want to add custom functions to a file the functions.php .

/*The list of authors*/
function contributors() {
global $wpdb;
$authors = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID, user_nicename from $wpdb->users ORDER BY display_name");
foreach($authors as $author) {?>
<li><div class="authorava"><?php echo get_avatar($author->ID);?><br><div class="author_name"><?php the_author_meta('display_name', $author->ID);?></div></div>
<div class="textauthor">
<span>:<br></span> <?php the_author_meta('description', $author->ID);?><br>
<a href="<?php get_bloginfo('url')?>/?author=<?php echo $author->ID;?>">authors</a>
<?php }

First, we create a function contributors , which will access the database and take the ID of the authors, due to which, it will be possible to use other functions to display the desired information.

The author will be displayed in the UL , this inside add tag li .

Then add in the blocks with the withdrawal of certain elements. The first block with a class - author_name. In its conclusions the avatar with the function of the echo get_avatar ($ author-> ID); . Then it has a unit with class author_name , in which the function name with the conclusion - the_author_meta ( 'display_name', $ author-> ID); .

After the unit is text author , which displays information about the author using the - the_author_meta ( 'description', $ author-> ID); . To hatched information, the author must fill out the information about MYSELF in the profile settings.

At the end of a link to a list of all posts of the author.

In order to list, must now connect function in WordPress theme. In my case it was the index.php , you can have a completely different file. In general, in the right place add the following line:

<ul id="authorlist"><?php contributors(); ?></ul>
Now add styles to file the style.css , to arrange everything nicely.

.textauthor span{font-weight:bold;}
.authname{margin: 20px 0 0 10px;float: left;}

Styles may change by itself, and the function itself can also be cut by removing unnecessary features.

In addition, all done without plug-ins, there is a definite plus. Read about 403 Error on Wordpress Login Page 

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Error 403 on the Wordpress Login Page

When trying to login through a login page appears 403 mistake. Rather, you simply can not get to the login page, as instead you highlights that access is limited.

If you try to login page or /wp-login.php / wp-admin / and you see the following message:

"403 Forbidden

You do not have permission to access /wp-login.php on this server."

This means that you hacked !!! I'm sorry joke. So thought the man who turned to the question why he does not let the admin panel and knocks that he is denied access to your site. Of course, option with the burglary is possible to exclude it is impossible, but most likely it is not.

What to do if you do not let the admin panel and knocks out the error 403? We must, as usual, add a bit of code. Add it must be in the file .htaccess , which lies on the main site directory. You must go to the main folder on the hosting. This may be a folder called public_html, www, HTDOCS or match the domain of the site. It will be situated the .htaccess file. This file is used for the additional web server configuration. About some of its features can be found in the article - How to create a .htaccess file and some useful codes . Now the code itself to be added to the end of .htaccess:

<Files wp-login.php>
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from all

Just before adding the above code in the .htaccess , make sure that there's no such code:

<Files wp-login.php>
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all

If it is, just delete it and try to log in.

What makes the first code? It provides access to /wp-login.php for anyone who tries to log in. If you want to access was only you, you need to slightly modify the code and enter your IP address. For example, the finished code looks like this:

<Files wp-login.php>
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from

As you understand, instead of you specify your ip address. But there is one point. If you have a Dynamic IP, that is, changes with every connection, you have to change it every time, and in this code.

From what error occurs with access to the login page? Perhaps your web hosting is done in order to prevent any attack on your website, about which you did not know, because of the lack of time.

If suddenly you happened such a nuisance, then you now know what to do.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

What is the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org

Some of my readers asked me that What to choose wordpress .COM or .ORG? I read on the official website of the differences. But there are not clear to me one thing: there are limits to creativity on wordpress.com or not? That is somehow limited to management of the site in .com or not? And how do you use?
I told the man and decided, why not write an article about it, maybe someone else is interested in this issue. For those who have not the first day of running with WordPress everything is clear and nothing to read here, but what about those people who are just beginning to work with WordPress system. Therefore, this article is primarily for them. While there may be someone from the "seasoned" will also be wondering if they have not delved into this question I'll try to explain in their own words what the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org. And so, let's look at the difference and perhaps begin to WordPress.com.



This resource allows you to create your site using its capabilities. In fact, when it is written - "WordPress.com - a platform to create beautiful websites for business users, professionals and bloggers". What does this mean?

This resource was created for those who do not want or does not know how to create a website from scratch. That is to say, buy a domain with hosting, install WordPress, customize everything to program yourself or hire others, in general, completely put on their shoulders the responsibility for the performance of its site. Many people need a fast way, minimum intervention, they just need a resource that will provide them with all the machine, stops only make the minimum setting and proceed to the filling of the resource.

How it works? You register yourself an account on the service. Choose one of the many available types of decoration - the subject and start to filling. At WordPress.com has its advantages for some users, as well as drawbacks. Let's look at the advantages first.

It's pretty simple and easy

There is a possibility of creation of free and paid site on this resource.
As stated above, there is a choice of free themes and they are not few.
Your site is protected against data loss, being backups.
Automatic update.
The site will never "fall", that is, regardless of the load generated by visits to it, it will always be available.
You will get more traffic from other sites created on WordPress.com.
Availability of Technical Support.
When using the pay rate - choice of any domain.
The presence of many useful features that are available by default. Like, share on social networks, forms of communication, commenting through social networks.
Also, there are also disadvantages that limit you in some opportunities.

How to secure your website

If you have a large selection of themes, you can not upload your own.
Not all the resource translated into Russian. Of course, not as it was previously, but the same news, still conducted only in English.
When using the free version will subdomain wordpress.com. That is the domain of the site will be - mysite.wordpress.com. Naturally, instead of mysite is the name you select your site.
You can not edit the code, then there is no interference with the subject.
There is no possibility to use plug-ins
Advertising on the resource, which can only be deactivated using the paid fare. it is standard practice in resources providing something for free.
WordPress.com though and uses WordPress as a basic tool, it is not quite a complete system in the form as it is. The administrative part is left to use only a minimal part. In fact WordPress.com completely changed the admin panel, allowing users to only fill the site.

You can sign up for fun and try out this resource possible is what you perfect. Personally, I have not used it and do not intend to. I work with a fully managed site and installed me on it full WordPress system.

Let us now turn to the second resource.


This service gives us the opportunity to download WordPress system itself. In fact it is very WordPress. For the system to work, you have to install it to your hosting. That is, you must first buy a domain and hosting.

As mentioned above it is in fact is the usual concept of the site, which is created by the usual rules of site building. In this type of conducting the site also has advantages and disadvantages. Consider the advantages.

Nobody does not limit you to the possibilities. It all depends on you and your desire to create.
You can install any themes and plug-ins, scripts and codes. Freedom of programming.
You are the sole owner of the site and have all the rights to it.
Ad placement do you and only to you it brings money.
Now the drawbacks, though I would not call them as such. For me it is rather a plus. But for novice users, these sites can create some difficulties.

It takes more skill and knowledge in programming and layout.
all processes update of WordPress is necessary to control yourself, make backups, take care of the security of your site, to prevent possible threats.
Keeping this site paid, because you need to deal with the hosting and domain. In time all the pay, to monitor the load on the site server.
If the load is a large site may stop working, it needs to take care of its download speeds and an appropriate rate for the hosting, which could withstand the load created by.
You are solely responsible for your life.
Before you start creating your site, weigh the pros and cons and only then choose which method suits you. As stated above, I personally for creating a site from scratch. Although it is harder for the novice user, but in the future you will realize that made the right choice. The first option is more suitable for those who have just decided to start a blog, there is no money, there is no desire to have a site, you just want to write something and publish.

It is worth mentioning that there is a possibility to make the transition from one system to another. That is, if you are uncertain about whether you will be engaged in the site from scratch, you can start a new life with the WordPress.com site, and then in the future, when you want to develop the resource and make it unique, move to your own site. You can also move to WordPress.com already existing domain or all of the information from the site.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Who is "Mobile User"? Are Responsive websites are Necessary?

Use of Mobile for surfing Internet

Most of Internet users has change their usage patterns and mainly oriented towards mobility through Smart-phones. With 50% of the fully equipped and user population, the potential is huge. That is why we must return to this world and meet the expectations of our customers in terms of internal website and services offer a complete experience with websites adapting to mobile and tablet format.

Regarding the e-commerce part, it is essential to place this guidance in corporate strategy, had less in the areas likely to find a mobile customer. As we know that 58% of mobile users have already purchased with their mobile it would be a shame to miss such an opportunity.

Think like your customers and you adapt. The business will be increasing awareness and growing.

mobile user

The mobile application is the future

According to a study in the USA (published on the site Flurry), the majority of time spent on the mobile is devoted to gaming applications and social networks to respective height of 32% and 30% against only 14% of Internet navigation leaving a rich use of various applications on the user's smart-phone. Let's make sure to be present also. The mobile application allows creation to sit under the consumer's eyes and get quality information on the use made of it. The mobile application is a sector that is growing every year and always takes up more time for users.

In addition to this, we can say that advertising via mobile application is an area full of future, due to rapidly growing mobile users every day. This is also important for website owners that their site should must have mobile version or responsive. If they do not give attention to it, in the result they will lost big amount of business. If you are using wordpress as a Content Management System for your website than you should use different responsive themes for your website or you can make the responsive current theme and If you want to make an AMP pages or responsive website you can also use wordpress plugin with this respect.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

The absolute Necessity to Secure its Website

Pirates, hackers, cyber-crime is no exception! End of 2015, there was an annual increase of nearly 50% worldwide, denoting many flaws in security systems.

And you? Do you ever hacked your site? I guess so. 
If not, do you think you invulnerable? Certainly not.
If you don't know how to design a website.

As very simply said by the National Security Agency Information Systems Web sites are by nature very exposed components of the information system. 
And yes, by their function and their web presence on the Internet, be sure to properly secure and protect your information.
The absolute Necessity to Secure its Website

Hacking of my site, what impact?

Disfigurement content, inaccessibility or data theft are the most common attacks. 
The damage and possible consequences for your business?

Decreased activity and therefore of turnover if you are shopping
Degradation of image
Credit loss and Reputation
Drain pirated data
Repair or online discount
And this list is not exhaustive ... all of which can induce a downward traffic on your site.

How to secure my website?

Depending on the technology which you have used for the development of your website, the security process will differ.
responsive website is necessary

However some common steps for security of your website are:

Change the login details
Automatically block an ID after several unsuccessful attempts,
Force the use of strong passwords
Regularly update the technology used to avoid the failures

The ability to restore the content of the site is also essential. There are lots of others steps which we should must be done with respect to security but its implementation differs with respect to using Content Management System. If you are using Joomla, you can use its extension with respect. If your website has developed on Drupal than you have don't take much tension about the security because drupal CMS is very strict with respect to security. If you are using Wordpress content management system you can used its plugins for security such as i.e Wordfence Security, Sucuri Security.